Professional Learning Materials and Recording Archive
Aspiring Leaders: Special Education Finance Overview
January 18, 2024 | 4 - 5:30 pm | Zoom
This session will be recorded.
Session Slides
Session Recording:
January 18, 2024 | 4 - 5:30 pm | Zoom
This session will be recorded.
Session Slides
Session Recording:
MASE Informational Session: Paraprofessional Credentialing
April 22, 2024
Dr. Sonia Smith, State Director of Special Education, and Mr. Paul Ferrin, Supervisor of Special Education Funding offered a one-hour session regarding paraprofessional requirements.
Session Recording:
April 22, 2024
Dr. Sonia Smith, State Director of Special Education, and Mr. Paul Ferrin, Supervisor of Special Education Funding offered a one-hour session regarding paraprofessional requirements.
Session Recording:
Legislative Advocacy 101 Webinar
Thursday, November 14
Presented by Valerie Dosland, MASE Lobbyist
Session Recording | Session Slides
Curious about how the legislature works? Wondering how to effectively communicate with elected officials? MASE members are invited to attend the upcoming webinar, “Legislative Advocacy 101.” This session will help you gain an understanding of the Minnesota legislative process and provide a 101 on how it works. You will learn the importance of grassroots advocacy, different ways you can connect with your elected officials, and how to craft your elevator pitch to tell your story.
Thursday, November 14
Presented by Valerie Dosland, MASE Lobbyist
Session Recording | Session Slides
Curious about how the legislature works? Wondering how to effectively communicate with elected officials? MASE members are invited to attend the upcoming webinar, “Legislative Advocacy 101.” This session will help you gain an understanding of the Minnesota legislative process and provide a 101 on how it works. You will learn the importance of grassroots advocacy, different ways you can connect with your elected officials, and how to craft your elevator pitch to tell your story.